SOLUTIONSCAPES brings together an interdisciplinary group of researchers from 6 universities and 10 partner organizations across Canada to address climate solutions at the food-water-energy nexus
Team members have expertise in a wide range of disciplines, including food systems (Ramankutty, Loring), water (Basu, Tolson, Baulch, Loring, Van Meter), greenhouse gas emissions (DelSontro, Wagner-Riddle, Congreves, Baulch, Saari), agricultural landscapes (Congreves, Wagner-Riddle, Basu, Van Meter, Loring), ecosystem services (Bennett, Rooney), and energy systems (Moreno-Cruz, Saari). The diverse team consists of social scientists and economists (Garrick, Loring, Moreno-Cruz), knowledge mobilization experts (Goucher, Loring), and data scientists and computational modellers (Layton, Basu).
Project Office
Nandita Basu, Principal Investigator
Nancy Goucher, Knowledge Mobilization Specialist
Laura Klein, Project Manager
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Faculty members
Students & early career researchers
Affiliated Institutions
Partner organizations