
Our team working on wetland restoration in agricultural landscapes

  • Photo of Nandita Basu

    Nandita Basu, PI, Professor and Canada Research Chair, University of Waterloo

    Nandita is a Professor and Canada Research Chair (Tier I) of Global Water Sustainability and Ecohydrology at the University of Waterloo.

    Nandita is an environmental engineer, who uses data science, process modelling and remote sensing to explore how climate, land use, and management impacts surface and groundwater quality from watershed to the regional and global scales, with the overall goal of leveraging these insights to develop watershed management strategies that maximizes environmental benefits without significant economic costs.

    Access her website here.

    Access her University of Waterloo website here.

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  • Photo of Helen Baulch

    Helen Baulch, Associate Professor, University of Saskatchewan

    Helen is an Associate Professor at the School of Environment and Sustainability of the University of Saskatchewan.

    Her research focuses on water quality, eutrophication and algal blooms, winter limnology, biogeochemical cycling, and greenhouse gas emissions and climate change.

    Access her website here.

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  • Photo of Tonya DelSontro

    Tonya DelSontro, Assistant Professor, University of Waterloo

    Tonya is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences of the University of Waterloo.

    She is a limnologist and aquatic biogeochemist interested in climate and water use-related issues of inland waters, specifically aquatic greenhouse gas dynamics and its interaction with climate.

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  • Photo of Kimberly Van Meter

    Kimberly Van Meter, Assistant Professor, Penn State University

    Kimberly is an Assistant Professor at the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences of Penn State.

    She is a water system scientist who studies the many ways in which human activity is affecting water quality and water availability across a range of different landscapes. She uses remote sensing, large-scale data analysis, and process-based modeling approaches to explore the influences of climate, land use, and management practices on water quality, especially in large agroecosystems.

    Access her website here.

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  • Photo of Rebecca Rooney

    Rebecca Rooney, Associate Professor, University of Waterloo

    Rebecca is an Associate Professor at the Department of Biology of the University of Waterloo.

    She carries out research in wetland ecology and is a world expert on biomonitoring and wetland assessment. Rebecca examines how human-caused and natural ecological disturbances influence wetland communities. Her research supports the implementation of wetland policy, invasive species management, and the protection of species at risk.

    Access her website here.

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  • Photo of Tyler Hampton

    Tyler Hampton, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Waterloo

    Tyler is a Postdoctoral Scholar in the Earth and Environmental Sciences department at the University of Waterloo in Canada.

    His research focuses on nature-based solutions to threats facing water resources, as well as on the restoration of agricultural wetlands for nutrient mitigation.

    Access his website here.

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  • Photo of Apoorva Shastry

    Apoorva Shastry, Research Associate, University of Waterloo

    Apoorva is a Research Associate at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Waterloo.

    Apoorva's research focuses on utilizing remote sensing data, flood models, machine learning, and data analytics to map and understand the hydrology of floods, floodplains, and wetlands.

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  • Photo of Pascal Badiou

    Pascal Badiou, Research Scientist, IWWR, Ducks Unlimited Canada

    Pascal is a research scientist at the Institute for Wetland & Waterfowl Research of Ducks Unlimited Canada.

    His research focuses on the ecology of wetlands and large shallow lakes, and on the role wetland restoration and conservation can play in regulating water quality and quantity in agricultural watersheds of the Canadian Prairies.

    Access his website here

  • Photo of Jordan Li

    Jordan Li, Masters Researcher, University of Waterloo

    Jordan is a masters student in the Earth and Environmental Sciences department at the University of a Waterloo.

    Her research focuses on studying the environmental trade-off between hydrological inundation and greenhouse gas emission within restored agricultural wetlands wetlands being used for nutrient mitigation.

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  • Photo of Shayna Meinzinger

    Shayna Meinzinger, Masters Researcher, University of Waterloo

    Shayna Meinzinger is a Graduate Researcher in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at the University of Waterloo. Her research focuses on quantifying greenhouse gas emissions in restored wetlands across Southern Ontario. She aims to better understand the dynamics of these emissions and their implications for wetland restoration and climate change mitigation.

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